Getting Feedback
Currently, I am research techniques for instructors to get feedback on their teaching. I am creating a digital project, to be released on the blog in the next 2 weeks, about Peer Coaching.
In my research for this project, I have stumbled across this article. Take a look! There are great techniques we can use for evaluation strategies and classroom assessment techniques.
Some of the strategies and techniques include:
You might think attending professional development workshops is enough. You get some new materials, and maybe you use them. You learn from your peers, but maybe complain that it wasn't helpful.
The article also claims that despite the prevalence of workshops, the model’s track record for changing teachers’ practice and student achievement is abysmal. Short, one-shot workshops often don’t change teacher practice and have no effect on student achievement (Yoon et al, 2007; Bush, 1984).
Coaches/mentors are found to be highly effective in helping teachers implement a new skill. Numerous studies have shown coaching to be successful at changing teacher practice and improving student learning. Alos, modeling by the coaches has been shown to be very effective at helping teachers grasp a new teaching approach before they attempt implementation as referenced in Teaching the Teachers.
If you roll your eyes at this post and think that you are not the reflective type, or you are not interested in professional development, I ask you "what do you have to lose?" Really. Reading this article on Evaluation and Assessment will not make you worse. You have everything to gain.
To make it easier for you, I even embedded it here for you; you don't even have to open another window in your browser.
In my research for this project, I have stumbled across this article. Take a look! There are great techniques we can use for evaluation strategies and classroom assessment techniques.
Some of the strategies and techniques include:
- Teaching dossiers
- Student ratings
- Peer observations (aka Peer coaching)
- Letters & individual interviews
- Course portfolios
You might think attending professional development workshops is enough. You get some new materials, and maybe you use them. You learn from your peers, but maybe complain that it wasn't helpful.
The article Teaching the Teachers states "most teachers only experience traditional, workshop-based professional development, even though research shows it is ineffective. Over 90 percent of teachers participate in workshop-style training sessions during a school year (Darling-Hammond et al., 2009).
But what about other forms of professional development?

Branch out and try new things! Go to work tomorrow and request to observe another teacher's class, or have someone pop into yours.
If you roll your eyes at this post and think that you are not the reflective type, or you are not interested in professional development, I ask you "what do you have to lose?" Really. Reading this article on Evaluation and Assessment will not make you worse. You have everything to gain.
To make it easier for you, I even embedded it here for you; you don't even have to open another window in your browser.
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