Powtoon Animated Video Showcase

Take a look at the different videos I have created using Powtoon, a free animated software.

You have 2 options for the things you create. First, you can create a video, like I have added to the blog. Or, you can have the video turned into a PowerPoint presentation controlled by your reader. This will give them a bit more time to view your content.

I have included all of the videos I have created on the main page of the blog, and here on this page showcasing them. Give this program a try. It is really easy to use!

In this video, we look at how to write learning objectives that are more complex for the career-college classroom. Check out the link as well at: Writing Objectives for College Instructors

This video looks at writing lesson objectives as an introduction for language teachers. I was able to take 45 minutes of content and visually display it in under 5 minutes. This will allow me more time to practice the techniques,and apply them rather than spending all my time presenting the content. Hope you like them.

This First video/slideshow is about Writing Lesson Objectives using sentence frames to help.
Here is the link to the slideshow Writing Lesson Objectives Powtoon if the embedded video does not load on your device. 

The second one is about the same topic, writing lesson objectives, but it explores the topic on a deeper level. We now look at writing smart objectives using Blooms Taxonomy.
Here is the link to the slideshow Part 2 Writing Lesson Objectives Powtoon if the embedded video does not load on your device. 

The last video/slideshow posted here is about the benefits and best practices of peer coaching and observation as a form of professional development to improve your practice.
Here is the link to the slideshow Peer Coaching Powtoon if the embedded video does not load on your device. 


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