Writing Lesson Objectives
Developing Objectives
This guide, for Developing Objectives, is designed to help write clear objectives which outline the specific learning outcomes form the foundation linking directly to instruction materials, content or teaching techniques determine or assess when the goal of the lesson has been accomplished provide a framework showing learners their successes in completing the learning task.
This resource is a visual of the different levels of objectives and steps in writing them. I plan to use the advice given in designing objectives backwards and delivering forwards. Also included on the site is a table for assessments matching each level of objectives. When writer’s block stops lesson plans from coming to fruition, this will be a helpful tool.
Blooms Taxonomy
This infographic provides a clear depiction of how the actions involved in a class task and assessment can be categorized according to outcome. It can be a challenge writing lesson plans and clear objectives. Additionally, experienced teachers think formal plans are unnecessary because they “know how to teach.”
Planning what the students will do in class, makes each stage connect and build upon the next. I have taught a class once or twice when I have filled time and checked the boxes of the pages I have taught without a single thought as to what I was trying to achieve. I will use this visual to help organize lessons around specific Action Verbs.
To make using Bloom's Taxonomy easier first thing in the morning, here is a quick reference with Questions for the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy by Golden West College. Open the document, pick some questions from each category to match your textbook pages, and voila, a lesson plan.
Here is an infographic I created with a new taxonomy I'd like you to consider. click on the link: Improving the Student Experience
Check These Out!
Here are some animated videos I have created about this topic. I feel that good lessons start with the objective. Once you know what your goal is, everything else falls into place.
Hope you like them!
This First video/slideshow is about Writing Lesson Objectives using sentence frames to help.
Here is the link to the slideshow Writing Lesson Objectives Powtoon if the embedded video does not load on your device.
The second one is about the same topic, writing lesson objectives, but it explores the topic on a deeper level. We now look at writing smart objectives using Blooms Taxonomy.
Here is the link to the slideshow Part 2 Writing Lesson Objectives Powtoon if the embedded video does not load on your device.
In this video, we look at how to write learning objectives that are more complex for the career-college classroom. Check out the link as well at: Writing Objectives for College Instructors if the embedded video does not load on your device.
This guide, for Developing Objectives, is designed to help write clear objectives which outline the specific learning outcomes form the foundation linking directly to instruction materials, content or teaching techniques determine or assess when the goal of the lesson has been accomplished provide a framework showing learners their successes in completing the learning task.
This resource is a visual of the different levels of objectives and steps in writing them. I plan to use the advice given in designing objectives backwards and delivering forwards. Also included on the site is a table for assessments matching each level of objectives. When writer’s block stops lesson plans from coming to fruition, this will be a helpful tool.
Blooms Taxonomy
This infographic provides a clear depiction of how the actions involved in a class task and assessment can be categorized according to outcome. It can be a challenge writing lesson plans and clear objectives. Additionally, experienced teachers think formal plans are unnecessary because they “know how to teach.”
Planning what the students will do in class, makes each stage connect and build upon the next. I have taught a class once or twice when I have filled time and checked the boxes of the pages I have taught without a single thought as to what I was trying to achieve. I will use this visual to help organize lessons around specific Action Verbs.
To make using Bloom's Taxonomy easier first thing in the morning, here is a quick reference with Questions for the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy by Golden West College. Open the document, pick some questions from each category to match your textbook pages, and voila, a lesson plan.
Here is an infographic I created with a new taxonomy I'd like you to consider. click on the link: Improving the Student Experience
Check These Out!
Here are some animated videos I have created about this topic. I feel that good lessons start with the objective. Once you know what your goal is, everything else falls into place.
Hope you like them!
This First video/slideshow is about Writing Lesson Objectives using sentence frames to help.
Here is the link to the slideshow Writing Lesson Objectives Powtoon if the embedded video does not load on your device.
Here is the link to the slideshow Part 2 Writing Lesson Objectives Powtoon if the embedded video does not load on your device.
In this video, we look at how to write learning objectives that are more complex for the career-college classroom. Check out the link as well at: Writing Objectives for College Instructors if the embedded video does not load on your device.
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