
Showing posts from July, 2016

Chains of Habit

Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken  Warren Buffet In reading the first couple of chapters of The Skillful Teacher by Stephen Brookfield, I have been intrigues by a few concepts. The first is that even though teaching is a highly variable process, there are 3 core assumptions grounded in skillful teaching no matter how diverse the situation (p.17). These assumptions are: Skillful teaching is whatever helps the student learn Skillful teachers adopt a critically reflective stance toward their practice. The most important knowledge skillful teachers need to do good work is a constant awareness of how students are experiencing their learning and perceiving teachers actions. The second concept Brookfield discusses is that "we approach teaching a new class [or group of students]with our own collections of biases, intuitions, hunches and habits that frame our initial activities. This can lead to us acting out of habit rather than do...

If You Dare

I have been talking quite a bit about leadership at work lately. I feel like people are often hesitant to accept the responsibilities that come with leadership. We are leaders and we should empower all those around us to be leaders too. I was inspired by a classmate of mine who posted this on his blog. When I read it, I thought it was perfect! He also posted a link to a Leadership in the Classroom Course  by Brene Brown based on her books Daring Greatly and Rising Strong. I will be starting soon. Join me if you dare.

Why Did you Become a Teacher?

After a few weeks, I am back to the books. I have just begun my last class in VCC's Provincial Instructor Diploma  Program called Professional Practice. Over the next few weeks, I will reflect on my practices as a teacher and as a leader in the school I work for. I hope to inspire all you teachers out there to reflect with me. Steven D. Brookfield quotes Myles Horton as saying "I believed then and still believe that you learn from your experience of doing something and from your analysis of the experience (The Skillful Teacher, 2006, p. 14). He then goes on to explain that simply having experiences does not mean that they are understood. In my opinion, it takes reflection and critical analysis of what happen in our lives, and in our lives as teachers to truly understand. I think what sets me apart is the fact that I do reflect, and at times, too much. I am always trying to learn new things about myself and my craft; hence my need for a 12-step program. In the arena of co...