Concept Checking Questions (CCQs)
These are all variations of the question "do you understand?" and these types of questions are ineffective at checking your student's understanding. Instead, it is better to ask concept check questions (CCQs).
What is a CCQ? What can it check for?
A concept checking question is designed to highlight the core the meaning of the lesson's target, whether that's a concept, language, communicative functions, or really, for anytime you want to ask, “Do you understand?” The objective of concept checking is through critical thinking learners will enhance their learning of a target by adding to what they already know.
By using CCQs:
What is a CCQ? What can it check for?
A concept checking question is designed to highlight the core the meaning of the lesson's target, whether that's a concept, language, communicative functions, or really, for anytime you want to ask, “Do you understand?” The objective of concept checking is through critical thinking learners will enhance their learning of a target by adding to what they already know.
By using CCQs:
- You can draw out what your learners know
- Learners get to participate in the learning process of discovering and understanding the new target
- Learners articulate their knowledge
- You can clarify and add to their knowledge
Golden rules for using CCQs:
Asking learners to point to someone wearing glasses to check whether they understand the item 'glasses' checks their understanding of the concept.
- Plan CCQs in advance
- Ask questions that are simple
- Direct CCQs to specific students, and to the whole class; cover as many students as possible
- Ask both yes/no questions, either/or questions, and simple ‘Wh’ questions
- Do not add unfamiliar vocabulary or concepts to CCQs
- Do not use the target you are teaching in the CCQs
- Use pictures, realia, miming, synonyms, antonyms, the white board, and time and tense in CCQs
Asking learners to point to someone wearing glasses to check whether they understand the item 'glasses' checks their understanding of the concept.
For all you ESL or language teachers out there, the article Using Concept Checking in Teaching provides the following samples CCQs for checking lexis.
Some of the techniques explored in this resource are:
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